Can I create a joint Virgin Red account? Follow Not at the moment - sorry. We will let you know as soon as we can offer joint accounts. Related articles Can I have a household account with Virgin Red? I have a balance on my Flying Club and one on my Virgin Red account - are they different? FAQs How do I contact Virgin Red if I am unable to use the app? Virgin Red - How do I check my personal details are correct on my profile? Articles in this section How do stop receiving alcohol / gambling notifications? I have forgotten the email address I registered for Virgin Red with. What do I do? If I have opted into Virgin Red from Flying Club, who updates my personal information? When I tried to register for Virgin Red it said my email address /phone number is already registered. What do I do? My address isn't recognised. What do I do? I have a balance on my Flying Club and one on my Virgin Red account - are they different? How do I unlink my account from someone else's? I am a member of Virgin Red and Flying Club . How do I close my accounts? How do I close my Virgin Red account? My relative has passed away - can I transfer their points to my Virgin Red account? See more