Picturehouse - Can I use the voucher with a Compare the Market voucher or another offer? Follow No, the voucher cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Related articles Picturehouse - Can I use the voucher for premium seats? Articles in this section Showcase - My code hasn’t worked online Showcase - Can I use more than one code in each visit? Showcase - Can I book online? Showcase - Do I have to decide what I want to see at the time of claiming the voucher? Showcase - Does the voucher have to be used by an adult? Showcase - Can I use the voucher with a Compare the Market voucher or another offer? Showcase - How many times can I use the voucher? Showcase - Can I use the voucher for 3D films or premium seating? Showcase - Can I use the voucher to see any film? Showcase - Can I use the voucher at any Showcase Cinema? See more